Introducing the CSO Team…..

Ang Langrick is Second Deputy Community Support Officer/CSO Team secretary. Here she introduces herself…..

I’m now retired after being a Pagan Prison Chaplain for years and having to give up due to ill health back in 2019.  I am keeping busy with supporting our lovely CSO and Deputy CSO;  Volunteering with one of the local colleges as Pagan Chaplain; and also volunteer pagan faith practitioner in a multifaith organisation doing school/college road-shows, as well as do my bit with regards to my local community. 
I have been pagan most of my life even though I didn’t realise it until back in the late 1990s  after following a number of faith roads that finally led me into Witchcraft. 
I didn’t think I liked cats (more a dog person) until my small furry companion found his way into my home and heart.