CST Spotlight: Hospitals

This is the first in a series of blog post showcasing the different teams that make up the Community Support Team. Here Diane talks about the challenges that thee hospitals team has faced over the last year – Dan, CSO

Hospitals – what a challenging year it has been for hospitals, let alone the PF Hospitals team.  Having recruited small but a lovely group of volunteers to visit our hospitals, Covid hit and being volunteers our visitors to General Medical hospitals were stopped in some cases before they started.

The hospitals took the stance that all volunteers no matter their role would not be allowed in, so only those with a contract would be going in.  This is understandable.   The mental health hospitals have in between lockdowns let us in to see patients which has been great, but during each lockdown they have shut their doors to volunteers as well, again understandably.

 So, what did the hospitals team do?  I have encouraged the hospital’s to keep the patients in contact with us through technology such as zoom or telephone, which although is not as satisfying for the patients in these times it is something at least.

I have also continued to promote supporting pagans with hospitals that are still a little resistant to us.  This is an ongoing process which we continue to hope will improve with that ongoing communication and building of relationships by educating staff about paganism.

The recruitment process is still always underway regardless of Covid, as we still have plenty of hospitals without pagan representation available.  Please do take a look at our CST hospital vacancies, but if you don’t see a hospital near you advertised please do get in touch and check if you would like to get involved as the only ones presently advertised are those who have asked or agreed for us to support them.  I am always willing to open communication up to any hospital without pagan representation to encourage inclusivity.

Diane Yates  PF Hospital Ministry Manager