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Spoons and Broomsticks

A Healing Call

A guest post from Potia Pitchford about her new, virtual healing circle. Over the years I’ve felt the need to do something of a healing nature. There have also been times I’ve needed some healing […]

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Spoons and Broomsticks


by Becky Dowley If, like me, you have been nurturing seedlings in a greenhouse or on a windowsill throughout Imbolc and Beltane, you will be glad when midsummer is upon us. Then you can stand […]

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Spoons and Broomsticks

Health Information Week

As a Staffordshire library assistant I’m very aware of the various campaigns run throughout the year to provide services for the public; your local library can provide a wealth of information and services for all […]

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Spoons and Broomsticks

National Arthritis Week with Catherine

Catherine Manning, our Disabilities Liaison for London, talks about National Arthritis Week. If you weren’t aware this week is National Arthritis Week. I’ve had arthritis since I was 12 years old. I have 3 forms […]