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Spoons and Broomsticks

Winter Solstice

I was awake just after 5 am, unable to get back to sleep. Or should I say unwilling to fall back to sleep. I was too excited, like a kid on Christmas morning, up and […]

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Spoons and Broomsticks

Decorating Yule

My family includes pagans, and non-pagans. Together, we celebrate secular Christmas traditions with a Christmas tree and decorations, and gathering over the Christmas holidays, though not necessarily on Christmas day if people are working. This […]

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Spoons and Broomsticks

The Alchemist

Alchemists in the Middle Ages tried to find a way to change ordinary metals into gold. It was a process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary. I think I have a […]

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Spoons and Broomsticks

Ritual and Disability

Enter your sacred circle from the West, then walk clockwise to North, Bow and greet the element of Earth, warden of the North, Follow your circle now to the South, light the candle and greet […]